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Divorce Checklist

Divorce Checklist


Do You Really Need a Divorce Checklist?


Unfortunately – for many that don’t like to ‘list’ – yes. Divorce is a serious issue. Getting all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed would be absolutely essential. To make it even worse, there are a ton of different kinds of ‘divorce checklists’ to consider –


• Marriage Assessment Checklist

• Divorce Lawyer Pre-Screen Checklist

• Hiring a Divorce Mediator Checklist

• Pro Se Divorce Checklist

• Counseling and Divorce Checklist


And much, much more. It can get overwhelming.


But Is There a Basic Divorce Checklist to Handle the Most Basic Divorce?


Of course. All divorces weren’t created equal. Some divorces get settled well outside the courtroom, without even the presence of attorneys; still, other divorces proceed over a long period of time over disputes such as child support, child custody, property distribution, alimony, and even domestic violence.


If you are one of the fortunate ones that may have to deal with the divorce that ‘settles fast’ outside that courtroom, rest assured: you’ll only need one divorce checklist. And that divorce checklist is right here:


• Spouse’s Name, Birth Date, and SSN

• Dates of Birth and Names of Any Children

• Date and Location of Marriage

• A Listing of Previous Marriages and Any Other Children

• Separation Date and Grounds for Divorce Listed

• Occupations of Both Spouses

• Employer Names and Addresses

• Education and Any Degrees of Spouses

• Names, Addresses, and Phone Numbers of Divorce Lawyers Who Had Represented in the Divorce Petition

• Listed Income of Both Spouses

• Listed Expenses of Both Spouses

• Listed Assets of Both Spouses

• Any Liabilities Each Spouse May Possess

• Employee Benefits For Each Spouse

• Life, Health, and/or Disability

• Credit Reports

• Prenuptial Agreement

• Type of Property Distribution Standard (“Community Property” or “Equitable Distribution”)

• Joint or Separate Asset Classification

• Tax Bases

• Any Loans or Other Liabilities

• Family Business (If Applicable)

• Alimony and/or Child Support Provision

• Physical Custody Determination

• Legal Custody Determination

• Visitation Hours

• Dependency Exemption (if Applicable)


And believe it or not, there can be many, many more other aspects to list that could be important in a divorce petition.


The Importance of Having a Good Checklist


It’s paramount to have one given that you can always go back to it at any point during a divorce – before the petition is even filed, during the whole proceeding, and up to years and years after the divorce has been finalized.


Typically, all the information in a petition can fill out every single question, every single detail in a checklist for better convenience on either party.


Everything from holiday visitations to when a child must be returned to the home after visitation can be listed in this checklist. And it’s important to have it written down in the case of forgetting times, dates, and such.


To understand the importance even better, know this: law enforcement can even be involved if a custodial parent violates the parenting time of the other party. It’s that serious.


So always have a checklist. It would cover over many frustrations when dealing with divorce.