Where to Get A Divorce Record Search
There exist many places to perform a divorce record search. In fact, there are hundreds of websites that offer the service. However, the accessibility of free divorce records is extremely limited. In general, online websites require users to pay a fee to perform a divorce record search.
Those record searches also include other information, such as any other public records associated with the names provided. Those public records include estimated income, date of birth, known addresses, and many other personal records. Fees can range anywhere from a few dollars, to around a hundred dollars. Generally, individuals seeking free divorce records must request such documentation from the court house in which the proceedings took place. Those records are available to any individual that files the proper request.
There are many sites online in which individuals can request certain information on individuals and even about themselves. Oftentimes, people perform such searches in order to verify public record accuracy. Many times, people perform divorce record searches to be sure that they do not include false information, or information that is partially accurate. In addition, some people inadvertently perform divorce record searches in conjunction with another public records search. In fact, people often get charged one flat fee to obtain all public records listed under a specific name. However, most online searches for free divorce records will only provide the user with limited access to information.
In fact, there are no free sites that provide unlimited access to a person’s public records. In order to obtain free divorce records, individuals are generally required to file a form at the local court house. Court house employees will generally verify the identity of the person requesting the documentation. The employee will then perform a divorce record search on the names provided and present the documentation to the individual that requested it. There are no restrictions on individual access to public records, as they are available to anyone in the general public.
The best place to get free divorce records is at the county court house at which the divorce took place.Generally, the only fee associated with acquiring those records is a fee for copies of each page. In fact, state law often dictates such a fee be charged. In addition, divorce records may not be complete if the couple came to their agreement in the absence of court intervention.
For example, couples in an uncontested divorce may have come to their agreement utilizing the services of a collaborative family attorney. In that case, the only record will be of the divorce agreement, absent of any allegations such as abuse or infidelity.