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Changing Child Support Orders Process

Changing Child Support Orders Process
Before filing for a modification of child support, the parent should clearly know why they are requesting child support modifications.

After filing the motion, the parent seeking the modification of child support should gather all the proof that they can in order to make their case valid.

If the change is requested by the custodial parent because they know that the non-custodial parent has had a salary increase, they should try to obtain proof of that salary increase.

If they cannot find proof, the court may order the non-custodial parent to provide current pay stubs in order to prove the custodial parent’s case.

If the non-custodial parent is requesting a modification of child support because they lost their job, a letter from their former place of employment on company letterhead may prove that they no longer work there and may help them get their child support payments lowered.

Child support modifications may take a long time to finalize in the family court. It is the job of the Child Support Enforcement Agency to modify child support arrangements at no cost to either parent.

Since the process can be lengthy, parents are cautioned to have patience when it comes to the requested child support modifications. An average time period for the child support modifications to come into effect are between six to nine months.