In consideration of the process that dissolves a marriage, and deems the wedding fictitious, there are numerous implications to be aware of after obtaining a Catholic marriage annulment.
The most tangible revolves around assets and children. Like divorce, a Catholic marriage annulment will split finances, debts, and children appropriately. This oftentimes comes with great conflict, for it is a lengthy and emotional process.
Based on the competence and willingness of the individual spouses in question, the rights, child support payments, and visitation will all be settled by the Church tribunal.
Catholic marriage annulments also place restrictions on those seeking a decree of nullity following a divorce. Considering the church does not recognize divorce as a means to disrupt the sacred bond, a Catholic marriage annulment must be obtained in order to remarry in the Church.
Basic church rights will still exist if a previous marriage was never voided: communion, confirmation, and the ability to raise a family in the Catholic church will all be upheld. In order to better define the Catholic marriage annulment, one must understand the intricacies of the marital contract.
Most grounds for annulment under the church revolve around violations of church law. Catholics consider marriage to be a sacred unity; consummation, fidelity, and eternity are many of the stipulations that this holy bond possesses.
If one of the spouses fails to meet these requirements then grounds for annulment are met. In addition to these violations, Catholics must be united in front of a priest or deacon. If vows are not exchanged at the hand of a priest, deacon, or in front of at least two witnesses grounds for annulment are also achieved.
Catholic marriage annulments do not focus nor permit decrees of nullity to marriages that simply desire them. Unlike divorce, a specific violation must be present for grounds for annulment to be met. The Catholic views of a marriage revolve around the basic principles of the religion.
For instance, Catholics view the creation of life as the essence of our being and society. A marriage is a joining of a husband and wife so that procreation is possible. If the marriage is not consummated there is no point in receiving the sacrament. That being said, if one of the partners is unable to give birth or produce life, then grounds for annulment are justified.
In addition to life, the sacred bond that marriage creates is something that no man can divide. The uniting is spiritual and emotional, a divorce may separate possessions and wealth, but it does not
disrupt the eternal bond.
If infidelity is present, and a spouse makes it known that there was no intention to remain faithful grounds for annulment are reached.
A Catholic marriage annulment erases a bond from ever existing, but it does so by finding some sort of fault within the marriage. It is a unique tool that can offer closure and clarity, which leads to a Catholic justification to maintain the sanctity of the marriage covenant but also offer those who happen to make mistakes during the process a chance to amend.